thinking i could call it the morrowind pack (because there are so many scrolls happen) but its not really. Trying to create an epic fantasy texture pack, inspired by Game of Thrones, Elder Scrolls, Diablo etc. HerrSommer ( here) - the majestic Custom lava, water and portal animations. Ornate 5 ( here) - The original and the best! Lots of terrain, armor, tools and items. Misa's Realistic pack ( Here) - Mobs, animated blocks, TNT!Ĭreative One's Medieval ( here) - Terrain, Wooden Doors This texture pack is as much a compilation as original, Credit Must Also go to:įeatherlight pack ( Here) - the amazing glowstone There have been many other texture packs that i have used or inspired me, such as Thiefcraft, Misa'a Realistc pack Ovo's rustic, Herrsommer, all those elder scrolls texture packs, and pretty much any texture pack I've tried (alot) I've been given ideas from. I originally started making this pack as an Orante 5 ( Here) update, however I began editing a lot of the block so now only the stones and minerals are still from that pack. For the most satisfying fantasy crafting.!